Sunday, April 6, 2008

Sun Apr 6 - Julie's update

I'm finally blogging!

Sat - I had an awesome 5 k run - I felt like I was running really slow until I looked at my watch, and realized I kept up a 6min/km pace throughout. My first "good" run since ATB.

Sun - I attempted 19kms today. I was so hyped from my good run yesterday, but at about the 14km mark (I was doing really well until then), I realized that I was not only still recovering from ATB, but the Indian Food was still hitting my stomach. That or it was the couple of glasses of wine I had last night. Since my run wasn't that good, I decided to go for a brisk 3km walk to my parents house before dinner.

Tomorrow - rest day for me. I might try the pilates video I was forced to buy.

This Angel's out.


Toronto fast cats said...

Welcome JLo! Good call on the run today. This week will be better. And no Indian food till your birthday so that issue won't arise again for a while.
Glad you're here,

Toronto fast cats said...

yeah...jlo is on the blog..cant wait for the updates!

Toronto fast cats said...

yeah...jlo is on the blog..cant wait for the updates!

Toronto fast cats said...

Welcome! Holy, that's some solid running after the bay. I didn't know you were doing the bay? I used it as the end point of my training, so am now taking it easy-ish - apperently unlike you - go girl!
