Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Come on Maggie!

I'm recapping Nicster's "race" last weekend.

First she ran for an hour and a half, and was conned into running the inaugural 11km run. Everyone was running fast, Nicster started out slow, talked to one of the locals, who said Maggie was the one to beat. She asked Nicster what her time was..."Don't you mean 42 minutes sweetie?" UHM NO. 32 minutes.

Then she caught up to Maggie, chatted her up a bit. Let her take the lead. Then raced passed her, told her, "Come on Maggie, let's go"....and left Maggie way behind...by 2 minutes!

New phrase of the week..."Come on Maggie!".

Anyways, to sum up my week - not nearly as good as Nicster's.....I only ran Mon, Tues, Fri & Sat...not the greatest runs. My sat run was horrible, I only did 15.5 kms, and it was a good thing there were two bathrooms on the route. The good thing about last week was that a vendor took us out for an excellent dinner with a couple bottles of $200 red wine. Can't complain about that!

Sporting Life Sunday! Woohoo! Come on Maggie! CJ's going to rock (as long as she doesn't actually wear her sporting life tshirt).



Toronto fast cats said...

You're hilarious! I wonder if word will get back to Maggie that she made it on the fast cats blog????
You will ROCK Sporting Life. Have no fear, take no prisoners (just don't start out too fast).

Toronto fast cats said...

JLO you'll crush it at Sporting Life! Who's Maggie? Who races 11 km??
