Monday, March 24, 2008

Nicstah Week Quattro

Monday March 24th -- Day twenty-four
Dudettes, where is everyone and where are the updates???? Ok I was totally planning on taking today off exercise...but some rest, some java, some yoga, some sunshine and I had to head out.
Km : 15

Tuesday March 25th -- Day twenty-five
HOLD THE PRESS! Today is the day. Ok it helps that it's absolutely miserable outside AND that traffic was brutal so I got home after 6pm, just in time to catch the latest airing of Y& today is a REST day. I debated biking but then figured heck! chill Girlfriend.
Km : 0!!!!

Wednesday March 26th -- Day twenty-six
Today is slated to be a double. This morning I leapt out of bed (must have been the rest day!) and headed out for an early 40min. It was a lot icier than expected and so steps were slow-going. Then, with just 1 mile to go, I turned a corner and BAM! first wipe-out of the year!!! And a good one too. Full on face-plant with bloody knees, elbows and wrists to boot. Argh.
In the evening I met up with the Huskies and we ran 60 min with 6 x 3min hard / 2 min jog.
Km : 23

Thursday March 27th -- Day twenty-seven
Oy. The grumps persist. Oh well. 74min run easy
Km : 17

Friday March 28th -- Day twenty-eight
What is UP? I feel like death. My bones hurt, if that is possible. After 10 mins I wanted to just head home. 
Km : 10

Saturday March 29th -- Day twenty-nine
Bright and early (and cold!) run with my pals. Still very sore but at least my mood is improving. Geez. I don't like myself this week!!
Km : 12

Sunday March 30th -- Day thirty
ATB!!! Amazing how soreness goes away on race day. I guess the last few days were all psychosomatic for me. The run went really well. I felt kind of bored/uncomfortable/doubtful from kms 13-17 but at 18 I sprung back to life! 10k splits : 39:00, 38:35, 37:50 Woohoo! Off to Chicago in pm.
Km : 36

Week total
Km : 113 (only!)


Toronto fast cats said...

Ha! I KNEW you wouldn't be able to take the whole day off. Nice one though - glad you're feeling better.


Toronto fast cats said...

I knew rest for the wicked!

Toronto fast cats said...

Um Nicole - if you were a shark you would be dead 'cause you stopped moving = no breathing for you! Just kiddin' - you deserved one little day off. You're just getting stronger and reaping the benefits of your accumulated hard work from the past few weeks. Enjoy!


Toronto fast cats said...

OMG! Are you ok? Totally sucks. I think you have it in you for tonight though - don't let that set back get you down.


Toronto fast cats said...

Dudette! So sorry 'bout the grumps! You're halfway there - I think this is the tough part. You can totally do it. Lookin' forward to catching up tomorrow!