Wednesday, March 19, 2008


WOOOHOOO--way to go CJ! you'll be under 30 mins in no time! very proud of you!

Seanna, who are you coaching? love it that you are starting that! is it with Nigel or on your own?

soooo, slept thru my alarm and missed my masters swim practice so did a Troy (spinnervals) DVD instead and will hit the pool tho, as it's so much better to swim with others. hmmm, there is someone i might be able to persuade to do a double and swim with me tonight.

got a bike 40k time trial with (among others) Tara at Absolute Endurance tomorrow evening on the computrainer. am running intervals in MP in the morning with Piper at 7:45... Seanna if you want to come and push the babe around or leave him playing with Ross then do come:)

yesterday was a brick...hard bike of 1:15 followed by 45 min run. didn't get lifting in cuz wanted to come see you lovely ladies instead:) that means i'll have to try to squeeze them in tonight.

will let you know how the TT goes. it's a BEAT the PROS TT...yeah, that ain't gonna happen:)



Toronto fast cats said...

Wow Suzanne - I'm glad we're doing this 'cause I think I didn't truly appreciate how hard you work out before! I don't think I'll make it to MP by 7:45 tomorrow, but thanks for the offer. I will try to get a Ross workout in sometime tomorrow though. Let us know how the time trial goes - I have no idea how long 40km would take.

Toronto fast cats said...

I concur Seanna! Suzanne you are an animal. Total IM material. I'm going to keep pushing you on that : )