Tuesday, May 13, 2008

2nd worst half marathon ever!

Ok, so I'm updating the blog as per Nicster's request.

So I had a pretty good Sporting Life 10K run, considering I'm not in the best shape I've been in, and I still managed to do break 55 minutes by over a minute and a half. I did hurt for 2 days from it, but it was well worth it. I felt so good after that run. Then I went to NY, and did not run at all over the week.

On Sunday I ran the Mississauga Half. It was horrible. I had stomach cramps the entire run. And my back was hurting me. I had to walk so much it was depressing. And it was my second worst time ever. I've run 13 of them. After I finish this race, I always walk back about half a km or more to cheer people on and wait for my sister, to run the last bit with her.....I found her, she had just as bad a run as I did (except she never trains at all for these), and then I couldn't even run back with her! That's how bad of a day I had! To make me feel worse, one of the girls I always run with broke 2 hours. I used to run faster than her. Except she's just been so consistent with her training over the last year or so...I haven't.

My legs were killing me yesterday, and I think I made it worse by playing baseball last night - running around the bases, so they're hurting a little more today.

So here's my goal. I need to shake off the bad vibes from my run on Sunday and get back into it! This summer is going to be the summer of running. I'm going to get back into consistent training runs....and maybe cut back on the booze!


1 comment:

Toronto fast cats said...

JLo, could it have been PMS? Let's do the summer fitness gig together. Circuits in the back 3x a week?