In Chicago. Went on a llllllllong walk today in the drizzle because I was too stubborn to cab to the conference centre. I'm such a goof! Then I starved till 2pm, at which time I wolfed down a club sandwich and french fries(!!!) I ran less than 2 hours later and nearly threw up all over the place! Oooops.
Km : 14 (iffy)
Tuesday April 1st -- Day thirty-two
April fool's! I had a big meeting so was up super early (5am) then didn't have time to run till after my flight home. At least once I got out the door I felt awesome, despite fatigue and travel.
Km : 17
Wednesday April 2nd -- Day thirty-three
No morning exercise, felt anxious to get to work, lots to do. In pm, went up to Newmarket and did 4x4min tempo but my "tempo" was way off. I guess I was tired from Sunday and travel and busy days. No biggie. We went and saw "Run Fatboy Run" afterwards and it was hilarious!!
Km : 16
Thursday April 3rd -- Day thirty-four
Feeling much better today. Ran in shorts and tee (was 10C, what can I say? I'm eager for spring!) and ran like the wind compared to previous day.
Km : 18
Friday April 4th -- Day thirty-five
Blah, blah, blah-blah. Came home early, took a nap and still I didn't feel motivated. Just did a mileage run
Km : 16
Saturday April 5th -- Day thirty-six
Today is a day to appreciate friends. I called BSDan for some support this morning and he pretty much told me to get my lazy ass out the door. That's exactly what I needed because I did 3 x 1.85km (6:31, 6:25, 6:22) and 2 x 0.94km (3:11). Nice! During the 2nd interval two women were out walking their dogs and they cheered me on. Amazing how the little things make all the difference. I got faster after that! THEN home, quick shower and off to meet SZ at Absolute End for a 30km bike ride. Thankfully I got a 2km head start so I wasn't embarrassed by SZ smokin' past me!! Right off the bike I ran another 20mins and phew! Nice day of exercise. Giant plate of pancakes followed...
Km : 20
Sunday April 6th -- Day thirty-seven
Plan is for epic long run of 2:30-2:40. Mission accomplished! Ran to Ed's Gdns 38min), met BSD and ran together for another 2:00. I guess I'll call it 35 but deep down I think it was 36km. Wow gorgeous day! Too bad now I must rest or my body will punish me all week for the past 2 days of exertion. I loved every minute of it though!
Km : 35
Week total
Km : 136
1 comment:
I'm so impressed with your discipline of fitting your runs in around your hectice work/life. You rock. Glad the movie was funny - I'll have to see it sometime.
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